Thursday, November 20, 2014

Illegal Downloading

Downloading music for free has been a problem for a long time. I am guilty of this, though since Pandora and Spotify, I have found myself downloading music less and less frequently since I can  I think that it would be very hard for the government to completely ban illegal downloading. If people want something bad enough they are going to continue to do so. Stealing in stores is illegal, but people still get away with it. I think there might be a couple options that the government could do if they want to stop this issue or prevent it from getting worse.

First they could show the consumer the effects of illegally downloading music. Many people think that if they just download one song then it doesn't hurt anyone. But if they were to show an interactive map that showed how many songs were illegally downloaded it might stop some people.

Second they could actually enforce the laws and fine people who are caught downloading music. I know that ASU internet can sometimes notify you that they detect fraudulent activity on your computer.

Third, I think they need to get rid of all of the sites that have music where you can download it for free. Which I think would be almost impossible, because when one website is taken off two more can be added in its place.

Overall stoping illegal downloads is going to be very difficult because people have been so accustomed to it and there haven't really been consequences for it. I think it comes down to an individuals perspective and if they feel bad about it.

1 comment:

  1. Emily,
    The Idea of showing consumers the effect of illegal downloading may work to contest a individuals morals, but the practice of downloading has become so widespread that it may or may not be affective. Im with you it is all worth a try. O yeah i did not know ASU monitored its internet and sent messages to possible wrongdoers.
